Poor Richard's 1996 Bus Trek

This page, is all about me and 5 friends, who drove around America for several weeks in 2 Volkswagen busses in the summer of 1996. We started in North Carolina and made stops in Alabama, Arkansas, New Mexico, Colorado, Indiana, Missouri, as well as spending nights on the road in all the states between. All the details are written below in chapters, as I posted them to two of the VW Bus listservers that I belong to. Enjoy!
These are the trusty Steeds that took us on our journey. The '70 non-pop top Westfalia is Cassidy, and she belongs to Nicole. The red, white, and blue '67 camper is Nellie, the Wild Goose. She's mine! :)

Nellie all decked out with t-shirts that I designed and printed to sell to help finance the Trek

  • Bus Trek Volume I The Beginning...
  • Bus Trek Volume II Alabama Getaway
  • Bus Trek Volume III Tennessee and Arkansas
  • Bus Trek volume IV New Mexico
  • Bus Trek Volume V Colorado
  • Bus Trek Volume VI Indiana
  • Bus Trek Volume VII The Rainbow Gathering
  • Bus Trek Volume VII Going Home
  • Bus Trek Comments What Uncle Joel had to say...
  • Bus Trek Correspondence What we wrote to Uncle Joel