Since the dawn of time, life on Earth has relied on the Sun for energy. It provides us with light, heat, and even nourishment for growth. It is only recently that technology has seduced us away from the sun, promising electrical light available whenever we want, and plenty of heat, from those supplies of fossil fuels that will supposedly never be consumed. However, we know that those fuel sources will run out eventually, and relying upon them has us working against Nature, instead of with it. Utilizing Solar Energy is one of the easiest changes we can make, which will also have a profound effect on the rest of our precious resources. Passive Solar refers to the use of the Sun's energy for heating a structure, or a water supply. In the simplest of terms, it is allowing sunlight into the house, through windows, to warm it. Passive Solar systems consist of three parts: Collection, Storage, and Distribution, which all work together to take the energy into the home, and spread it out to be used when and where it is needed. Collection is basically the intake of sunlight into the home. This is done through energy-efficient windows, which face the Sun as it travels its arc across the sky. In order for the collection process to be most efficient, planning is crucial at this point. Obviously, if none of your windows ever face the Sun, it will be hard to collect the light and energy. That is why site selection and planning are so important. As a general rule of thumb, a south-facing window will get good sunlight most of the day long. Of course, there are many factors which will affect this. The time of year, and the Earth's axial tilt, radically change the arc of the Sun's path relative to your location. Therefore, you must plan a different angle to catch more of the winter sun, when you will need it most, and account for a different angle for the summer sun, which you may want to shade out. Trees and obstructions are also important considerations. A building will block out light all year long, whereas a deciduous tree will be bare in the winter, thereby allowing in the light you want, while providing the necessary shade in the Summer. These are just some considerations that must be made in planning your site for the collection of the Solar Energy. After collecting the energy, it needs to be stored within the house, to be used later. To do this, large, dense structures called Thermal Masses are built into the frame of the house. These are usually built in the forms of floors or walls, and are the structures that the sunlight hits when it shines through the windows. Brick, concrete, and stone are all good materials for the storage of solar heat, as they are all dense, and capable of storing up the heat slowly during the day, and then slowly releasing it back into the house at night. Finally, after the Sun has gone down, the stored energy is distributed throughout the house. In the simplest of systems, it just radiates back out from the Thermal Mass into the rooms. More complex systems use convection currents, based on the ideas of hot air rising, and cool air settling, to distribute the air. There are three main types of passive Solar systems: direct gain, indirect gain, and isolated gain. These designs are based upon the different methods used in the Collection, Storage, and Distribution of the energy. Direct gain is the most straightforward method, and basically consists of laying out the house so that the sun shines through the windows and heats the Thermal Masses. This may sound deceptively simple, however, as there must be a delicate balance within the amount of space and the energy collected. For example, you can easily overheat in the summer if you don't plan some shading. You must also carefully plan the locations and sizes of the Thermal Masses. Indirect Gain utilizes a storage system immediately inside the window to collect the sunlight. This system can be either a solid wall, called a Trombe wall, or a system of water vessels. Since the storage mass is immediately absorbing the sunlight, it captures more of the energy, but it also blocks the window from light and external views, so this system must be carefully planned as well. Isolated Gain concerns the addition of a sunspace, which is quite often a greenhouse, on the south side, or sun side, of the house. This sunspace is walled in with mostly glass, so it absorbs lots of sunlight, which then is stored in the floor and walls, and slowly diffused throughout the rest of the house. Since it is not directly a part of the house, the house is more protected from temperature fluctuations. This method is often used in conjunction with another method. Passive Solar methods can also be used to heat water for household use. Passive water systems use large tanks or panels to expose the water to the Sun, and then use natural forces like gravity and convection currents to distribute the hot water, so no pumps are used. One method, Thermosiphoning, involves the tendency of hot water to rise, and cool water to sink, which therefore creates a siphoning effect, drawing hot water out of the tank into use, and cool water back into the tank to be heated. These passive water heating systems are usually very simple, and once installed, often require little effort to maintain, since they have very few mechanical parts, and rely instead on the forces of Nature. There are many easy ways to incorporate Passive Solar Energy into our homes, even as simply as being aware of which windows face south, and therefore the Sun. Old, single-paned windows let a lot more heat escape than they retain, whereas newer, double-paned insulated windows will make a big difference in the temperature, and the amount of supplementary heat needed. Shading of trees, buildings, and even internal furniture can all lead to less sunlight being absorbed, and therefore being available for distribution later. In planning a new home, something as simple as the direction of its orientation can literally make a world of difference in your heating efficiency. It is possible to build a comfortable, attractive, and livable home in harmony with the Sun, and make things a lot easier on the Earth as well, by not wasting other precious resources. Let us all work withNature, not against it! Information Resources While I am listing many written and Internet sources of information, if you are in the Raleigh, NC area, I highly recommend visiting the NC Solar Center, which is open during business hours during the week, and 1-5 pm on Sundays. They can be contacted at (919) 515-3480 or 1-800- 33-NCSUN (in NC only). Their mailing address is: NC SOLAR CENTER Box 7401Raleigh, NC 27695-7401 The staff there will happily answer any questions you might have, and they have an extensive reference library, of which I have highlighted some particularly relevant selections below. I highly recommend that the Solar House be your first stop on your quest for the sun... Other Written Sources: AIA Research Co. Solar Dwelling Design Concepts. Washington, DC: US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, 1976. 70's perspective of the Government's point of view dealing with Passive Solar Energy Anderson, Bruce, Ed. The Fuel Savers. CA: Morning Sun Press,1991 Simple, basic initial Solar for Beginners Campbell-Howe, R., Wilkins-Crowder, B., Eds. Conference Proceedings, National Passive Solar Conference. CO: American Solar Energy Society, 1997. Latest up-to-date information on Passive Solar Crowley, John, Zimmerman, L. Zaurie. Practical Passive Solar Design. NY:McGraw Hill, 1984. Basic principles through final case studies